> Knowledge base> Article: Can I use my existing dies to cut labels printed on the CX1200?

Can I use my existing dies to cut labels printed on the CX1200?

Article ID: 44942 Print
Can I use my existing dies to cut labels printed on the CX1200?



Can I use my existing dies to cut labels printed on the CX1200?

Generally, the answer is no. Most label houses use dies that have 1/8" between cuts. If the printed labels have the standard 1/16" over bleed, that means the printed output has to be continuous with no gaps between printed labels.

The CX1200 is not capable of zero gap continuous printing. It requires a 1/8" unprinted gap between pages. (The max page size is 17") For this reason we recommend a 1/4" gap between cuts on any particular die. This allows for 1/16" over bleed on each label and for the 1/8" unprinted gap between pages.  The result will be a uniform 1/4" gap between all labels within each page and between pages. You will not be able to tell one page from another. 

Important Note: If there will be no over bleed on the label your existing dies will work!

See this article for recommended die specifications.

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Article Details
Views: 4485 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Aug 16, 2016
